Key features

  • Rolls back all the order quantity in products stock.
  • Checks for multiple products in an order and does the job for all.
  • Checks if products has options and does the same job for options stocks/quantities.
  • Work with any status of order, simply check the flag and add history.
  • Option gets disabled once the stock has been rolled back to avoid accidental re-reversal

Works on a list of Orders, Just go to orders list page, select your orders and click Stock Reversal button

We have tested it on 1.5.5.x, 1.5.6 and 1.5.4.x , pls let us know for previous version we will make it compatible without a cost.

VQMOD No Core files replaced

Product Quantity Roll Back
Checks for multiple products in an order and does the job for all.
Price : $20.00
Total Sales: 46
Demo Links


Compatible version 1.5.5.x
Required vQmod No