Custom Registration, Fields Premium Mega-Add Remove.


  1. Remove unwanted fields from registration process.
  2. Change required range of  telephone, also can be set fixed to collect valid number.
  3. Change required range of Password, also can be set fixed to collect valid number.
  4. Set Default country and hide from all pages.
  5. Set Default Region and hide from all pages.
  6. Set telephone, pin, company id, fax as numeric.
  7. Set tooltips from your field for hover over effect-multi-lingual.
  8. Sort fields in your own order ( Standard + Custom Fields ).
  9. Brazillian masking of telephone , cep(postcode).

Module's changes applies on:

  1. Registration- All Fields 
  2. Edit Details- All Fields 
  3. Edit Address - All Fields 
  4. Change Password- Password Limit, Confirm Password
  5. Guest Checkout and Registered Checkout
  6. Shipping Address, Billing Address- All Fields 

Custom Fields 

  1. Add new fields to registration page, checkout page/guest page
  2. Fields can be placed in personal address section, with personal, address key relationship 
  3. Add as many as you want from gender to DOB and etc, 
  4. Set a fixed/range for text and textarea field data 
  5. Option to set fields as required. 
  6. Sort fields in your own order ( Standard + Custom Field )  
  7. Option to set selected or filled user data printed on invoice, Order- History ( Customer-Admin, Order EmaiI, Address Lists in your own or default Address Format )
  8. Add your own error message for required fields ( Hassle free- Today this/Tomorrow that). 
  9. Multi Language support ( whether field names or Error- msgs, no change required in language files-Hassle free )
  10. Set fields as numeric 
  11. Brazillian masking of mobile, cpf, cnpj
  12. Set tooltips for your field for hover over effect-multi-lingual 
  13. These fields could be of type:
  14. Select 
  15. Radio 
  16. CheckBox 
  17. Text 
  18. Textarea
  19. Date 

Module's changes applies on: 

  1. Registration 
  2. Edit Details 
  3. Address Lists, and Address Edit
  4. Checkout, Payment Address, Shipping Address 
  5. Guest Checkout and Registered Checkout 


  1. Module Page 
  2. Custom page
  3. Order Page / Invoice
  4. Disable complete module anytime through admin.
  5. Disable functionality on any page anytime.
  6. Friendly admin that gives you complete control over registration process.


  1. Comes with VQMOD version
  2. Comes without VQMOD Version 
Custom Registration Fields Mega
Custom registration module removes unwanted fields from registration process.
Price : $44.00
Total Sales: 154
Demo Links


Compatible version 1.5.5.x
Required vQmod Yes