International Autocomplete Address EU!


  • Autocomplete address using any keyword for Supported EU countries
  • Autocompletes State, Address, Street, City, Building Number, Building Number Addition
  • Switch to Manual or Automatic Address Fill Up
  • Assign opencart fields to corresponding API fields. Including opencart address location custom fields.
  • Narrow search until an address is completed.
  • Cached API to reduce number of API Calls.
  • Enable or Disable in Admin for available countries. You can enable one or all countries
  • Total 6 countries supported currently Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, Austria and Switzerland
  • You still need api credententials from .
  • Changes Applied on Account/Register, Account/Address and Checkout Page.
NOTE: Works only with Default Checkout and Xtensions Checkout

Works best with our own Best Rated Best Checkout Module EU Address Autocomplete as you type For Opencart
For Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg
Price : $99.99
Total Sales: 23
Demo Links


Compatible version 2.3.x.x,3.x.x.x
Required vQmod No